All articles tagged with "Shit"

Mistress Gaia and her friends love to smoke. But they are also adventurous. They like to do crazy things and to try new things. Today they wanted to try slave humiliation so they looked for three losers and they enjoyed making them lick their feet after threatening to pee on them. They also used the poor guys as their human ashtrays. When they were done, they made the guys run away naked.

Mistress Gaia and her friend did not like how this guy wanted to fuck her and her friend. They were good friends but they did not want a threesome. They were actually offended by what him. But instead of denying it, they pretended that they were up for it and they took him to their house. They teased him but instead of having a threesome, they had him drink their pee and lick their feet and shoes.

Mistress Gaia had promised to fuck this guy. He had fulfilled his end of the bargain and now it was her turn. She did not want to honor her part of the bargain so she looked for a way not to do it. She undressed and teased him. She faceast on him but instead of riding his face with her pussy, she took a shit on his face. He was pissed and he went away angrily after taking a shower.

Mistress Gaia stripped this loser of his clothes and she rode him like a horse. When she was done riding him, she whipped him. He was naked so it was more painful. She did it over and over again and left red and painful whip marks all over his body. He was not allowed to rub his body to ease the pain. He was asked to endure it otherwise he would be inviting more punishment.

Mistress Gaia has a nice ass and a nice pussy. She wanted to humiliate this guy but he did not know. He thought she was into him and she wanted to have fun with him. All she wanted however was to torture him and she did this by making him eat her shit and drink her pee after she had teased him and turned him on. The poor guy had no choice.

Mistress Gaia was not in the mood to beg. She wanted something from this guy and he refused. She told him she was not leaving without what she had come for. She was either going to get it the easy way or the hard way. The guy thought she was bluffing. She tied him up and she fed him her shit. He realized she was serious and he gave her what she wanted.

Mistress gaia and her friend wanted their share of what this guy had. He had used some information they had shared with him to enrich himself. They wanted their share and he refused to give it to them. The mistresses tortured him and made him by making him eat their shit. They also crushed him and trampled him. They made sure he swallowed the shit till he gave them their share.

Mistress Gaia wanted to shit on her slave in order to send a message. She had never punished him before and he took a lot for granted. She did not want to let him get away with what he had done. So she turned him into her human toilet and she had him drink her pee as well as eat her shit. He was shocked and humiliated but he never messed with her again.

Mistress Gaia wanted to send her slave to a hostile place. She knew he would face a lot of hardships and suffering. So she decided to expose him to them first beforehand so that he would be used to it by the time it happened to him. So she started with shit fetish. She made him drink her pee and eat her shit till he got used to it then she moved to something else.

Mistress Gaia liked what her slave had done. He had done something wrong but she liked it because she knew that she would use it to humiliate and degrade her slave. She summoned him to where she was and she read out the charges against him. He could not deny it so she used proceeded to shit on him since she had missed having him eat her shit and swallow it.

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