Mistress Gaia is a curious person. She likes to find out how things work and today she got curious about how she took a dump. She wanted to see her asshole in action so she went to the toilet and she placed a camera in the toilet. She captured her asshole opening for the shit to come out. It was fascinating to her as she compared a shit to a dick that fucked an ass.
Mistress Gaia had never punished someone as cruelly as she did this guy. He was a snitch and she hated snitches more than she hated anyone else. So she had to do something she had never done before. She crushed his balls with her high heels but she reserved the best for last as she forced the guy to eat her shit. And he had no choice but to do it.
Mistress Gaia had never tried shit fetish before. She had learned of it and she had heard it was quite effective as a punishment method and tool. So she sought to use it to punish this loser. She made her slave watch as she took a shit and pissed into a glass. She then fed him the shit and she was surprised at how effective it was since the slave never repeated what he had done.
Mistress Gaia loves to use her shit to punish. She does it all the time and that is what she did today to this loser. She wants to make sure it remains one of the best ways to punish someone so she makes sure she does not do it all the time. She does it once in a while to maintain its efficacy. Today was one such day for her as she fed her slave some fresh poop straight from her ass.
Mistress Gaia had a bone to pick with her slave. She had tried to correct him but he did not seem to be eager to learn and to stop repeating his mistake. She had to make sure he learned. She used her shit to punish him. She had him eat it. He watched as she took a dump into a bowl and she made sure he ate it all. He changed and learned.
Mistress Gaia believes in shit fetish. She does not like to dwell on small things. She prefers to punish a slave once and for all and get lasting results as opposed to punishing a slave all the time for all manner of small mistakes. She thinks that is petty and that it is a waste of her time. She used her shit fetish to make sure her slave never messed up again. She fed it to him after tying him up.
Mistress Gaia knew this guy was into her. So she used that fact to humiliate him and have fun at his expense. She teased him by playing with her pussy and got him horny. Once she had him where she wanted him, she turned on him and she took a shit on his face. She forced him to eat her shit and he had no choice but to do it.
Mistress Gaia had sent her slave to buy something for her but he was sold a fake version of what she wanted. She was pissed at how gullible he was. She had now lost money and she wanted to teach him a lesson. She also wanted him to go and buy the original but with his own money. So she took a shit and she fed it to him before he did what she wanted.
Mistress Gaia was seated on her throne. She was minding her own business when she remembered she had not punished her slave for what he had done. She was bored and she knew that was the opportunity she had been waiting for. So she called him to her torture chambers and she stripped him naked before she fed him her piss as well as her shit. He had no choice but to eat it.
Mistress Gaia was not going to let this loser get away with what he had done. She was pissed at him and she had to teach him a lesson. So she caught him and she dragged him to her house. She took him to her torture chambers where she made him eat her shit and drink her pee. He was humiliated and degraded and he learned his lesson the hard way.