Mistress Gaia was angry at her slave for what he had done. He had spread rumors about them but pretended he did not know where they originated. The mistresses patiently traced the rumors to their source and when they discovered it was him, they beat his ass cruelly. They trampled him, crushed him and stomped on him as punishment. He had never been in so much pain before and he begged for mercy promising to own up and correct what he had done.
Mistress Gaia wanted to send a message to her slave and do it as cruelly as possible. She did not want to be babysitting him. He was a grown mad and she wanted him to be reliable. So she used her pee to punish him. She also got him to lick the soles of her high heels and she made him eat her shit. He never messed up again for fear of what she would do to him.
Mistress Gaia wanted to torture this loser for not doing what they had agreed upon. She hated people who did the wrong thing when they knew what they were supposed to do in the first place. She was not going to condone that behavior from this loser so she cruelly took a shit on his face. She turned him into her human toilet and had him do what she wanted.
Mistress Gaia wanted answers but she did not have time. She had to get them as soon as she could. She tried to ask this loser to give her the answers but he did not. She got pissed and since she did not have time, she turned on him and she stripped him naked and then tied him up. She whipped his naked body including his balls and she got the answers she wanted.
Mistress Gaia was not going to let this loser get the better of her. He was cunning and she could tell. She knew she had to put a stop to his behavior of always trying to take advantage of her. She gagged him with her foot as she trampled him at the same time. She humiliated him till he cried and begged him to forgive her and promised never to do it again.
Mistress Gaia wanted to choke this loser. He was of no use to her as she could not rely on him. He was unreliable and she did not want anything to do with him. Before she chased him, she got him to lick her feet. She gagged him with her feet and she made him do crazy things for her. She had fun torturing him before she finally sent him away.
Mistress Gaia had never tried shit fetish before. She had learned of it and she had heard it was quite effective as a punishment method and tool. So she sought to use it to punish this loser. She made her slave watch as she took a shit and pissed into a glass. She then fed him the shit and she was surprised at how effective it was since the slave never repeated what he had done.
Mistress Gaia had a bone to pick with her slave. She had tried to correct him but he did not seem to be eager to learn and to stop repeating his mistake. She had to make sure he learned. She used her shit to punish him. She had him eat it. He watched as she took a dump into a bowl and she made sure he ate it all. He changed and learned.
Mistress Gaia does not like to be embarrassed. Her slave did so and he had to be taught a lesson. She made sure he learned his lesson the cruel and hard way. She went and took a shit and she made her slave eat it. He could not believe he was being made to eat shit. But she did not want it to ever happen again and the shit taught him a lesson he will never forget.
Mistress Gaia took a shit on the floor and she made her slave eat it. She was pissed at how her slave had undermined her in front of her friends. She was so mad at him that she had to do something crazy to punish him. She had never punished him that brutally so she tortured and degraded him like never before so that he would never do that again.